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Henry Armstrong's Fight Against Discrimination

Henry Armstrong's Fight Against Discrimination

In 2007 ESPN ranked Henry Armstrong (1912-1988) as the third-greatest boxer of all time. Born Henry Jackson Jr., he is the only boxer to hold world titles at three different weights simultaneously. In the 1930s Armstrong won 27 knockout wins in a row, and during his career he fought 17 world champions and defeated 15 of them. In 1940, however, Armstrong faced a potential lifetime boxing ban in California due to his protesting against racial discrimination.

Henry Armstrong, Boxing License Renewal Application, State Athletic Commission Records, F2214, California State Archives.

According to his obituary in the New York Times, “Armstrong, a relentless puncher, was considered by many ring analysts to be, pound for pound, the greatest fighter in boxing history…born in Columbus, Mississippi…and grew up in St. Louis…he then rode freight trains to California, where he became a prizefighter.”

Hollywood Legion Stadium, State Athletic Commission Records, Investigation Files, F2219, California State Archives.

The records of the State Athletic Commission include an investigation of the Hollywood Legion Stadium’s refusal to allow boxing matches featuring Black fighters. The Hollywood Legion Stadium was a major boxing venue in Los Angeles operated by Hollywood Post 43 of the American Legion. It opened in 1921 and closed in 1960. In protest, Armstrong cancelled a fight for the middleweight title with Ceferino Garcia originally scheduled to be held at another venue under the auspices of the Hollywood Post of the American Legion.

Chicago Defender Newspaper Correspondence, State Athletic Commission Records, Investigation Files, F2219, California State Archives.

This letter from the Chicago Defender Newspaper to California Governor Culbert Olson from 1939 states “there exists at Hollywood American Legion Post No. 43 discriminatory acts against negro boxers in it’s stadium…Negroes did their bit in the World War and many are members of other Legion Posts…this stadium is the only place in the State where Negroes dare not box nor apply for boxing licenses.”

Senator Robert Kenny Correspondence, State Athletic Commission Records, Investigation Files, F2219, California State Archives.

State Senator Robert Kenny supported efforts to allow Black boxers to fight at the Hollywood Legion Stadium. He wrote to the State Athletic Commission that “the negroes of this community have been counting on any Athletic Commission controlled by their friend Governor Olson to take steps to correct the discrimination practiced against them at the Hollywood Legion Stadium. Does it not seem to you that the negro race, which holds at least four world’s championships and has put America to the forefront in world sports, should be allowed an even break by an organization that constantly preaches a doctrine of Americanism.”

Newspaper Article, State Athletic Commission Records, Investigation Files, F2219, California State Archives.

According to this newspaper account the State Athletic Commission agreed to hold a public hearing to investigate the charges of discrimination at the Hollywood Legion Stadium. “The commission, thru its chairman, Jerry Giesler, told the assembled audience of matchmakers, referees, managers, boxers, sportsmen and newspapermen that the present commission proposes to uphold the principles of democracy and Americanism in all its dealings.”

Negro Veterans’ Council of California Resolution, State Athletic Commission Records, Investigation Files, F2219, California State Archives.

Some individuals and organizations wrote to the commission to express their views about the allegations of discrimination. This resolution opposing the exclusion of Black boxers dated December 16, 1939 was submitted by the Negro Veterans’ Council of California.

County Ministers’ Association Correspondence, State Athletic Commission Records, Investigation Files, F2219, California State Archives.

One individual wrote to the commission in defense of racial discrimination. This letter reads, in part, the “stadium is located in a strictly white district, and few, if any colored people attend fights there…surely an individual or organization has the right to determine who shall be the performers in his or their place of business. It seems to me, that if our colored gentlemen feel that they should have larger representation in the boxing field, their request should be for a permit to conduct boxing in their own colored section.”

Los Angeles Daily News Article, State Athletic Commission Records, Investigation Files, F2219, California State Archives.

This article about Armstrong’s cancellation of the Ceferino Garcia fight from the Los Angeles Daily News dated January 15, 1940, can be found in the commission’s investigation files. It states that “Armstrong’s manager, Eddie Mead, announced today’s cancelation after Hammering Henry had informed Mead pointblank that he would not go through with the bout. Armstrong’s decision came after long distance telephone conversations with Los Angeles Negro leaders…Mead explained that Negro boxers never have been permitted to fight at the stadium although Mexicans and Filipinos could compete there.”

News-Guardian Article, State Athletic Commission Records, Investigation Files, F2219, California State Archives.

Armstrong’s decision was celebrated by the author of this article from the News-Guardian newspaper. “Henry Armstrong…proved himself every inch a champion when, with a lifetime ban facing him in the state, he refused to go through with a bout under the auspices of the Hollywood Legion Post. Because of the policy of the Hollywood Post in refusing to permit boxers of Afro-American extraction to fight in its stadium, Armstrong refused to box there, stating that ‘If Afro-American fighters were good enough to fight in the trenches in France, they certainly should be good enough to fight in the Hollywood Post Stadium’…Henry proved himself a real champion when he refused to fight and make money for an organization that discriminates against certain groups of Americans citizens.”

East Bay Council of the National Negro Congress Correspondence, State Athletic Commission Records, Investigation Files, F2219, California State Archives.

Armstrong’s protest was supported by several organizations, including the East Bay Council of the National Negro Congress. They wrote to the commission that their council “supports most energetically the democratic stand taken by Henry Armstrong in cancelling his fight under sponsorship of the Hollywood Legion. The long standing practice of discrimination by the Hollywood Legion is a flagrant violation of democratic American principles and should be condemned by all organizations and institutions seeking to protect and maintain civil rights and fair play.”

Los Angeles Council of the National Negro Congress Telegram, State Athletic Commission Records, Investigation Files, F2219, California State Archives.

The commission also received this telegram from the Los Angeles Council of the National Negro Congress stating, “we urge that your body take a stand on the side of fair play in sports by suspending the license for the Hollywood Legion Stadium if the Hollywood Legion Post persists in barring Negro boxers from that Arena.”

South Central Democratic Club Telegram, State Athletic Commission Records, Investigation Files, F2219, California State Archives.

This telegram from the South Central Democratic Club to the commission argues that “such practices of said stadium is detrimental to the sporting game and is not in accordance with the laws of this state and is a violation of the bill of rights.”

Henry Armstrong, Boxing License Renewal Application (detail), State Athletic Commission Records, F2214, California State Archives.

The effort to allow Black boxers to fight at the Hollywood Legion Stadium was ultimately successful. Not only was Armstrong’s protest effective, but he managed to avoid a lifetime boxing ban in California. In fact, he continued to fight in California and, in 1944, Armstrong fought Luther “Slugger” White in a match at the Hollywood Legion Stadium.