Arroyo de las Animas Rancho
- Title
- Arroyo de las Animas Rancho
- Description
- Hand-drawn sketch map of Arroyo de las Animas boundaries. Volume 1, page 264.
- Coverage
- Santa Cruz
- Date
- 1836
- Format
- JPEG, scanned at 400 DPI, 24-bit color
- Identifier
- 120
- Language
- Spanish
- Publisher
- California State Archives, a division of the California Secretary of State's Office
- Rights
- There are no known coyright restrictions associated with these digital images. We encourage the use of these images for personal, study, and educational purposes. Please credit "Courtesy of California State Archives." The California State Archives and the Friends of California Archives cannot be responsible for any use of these images, or any liability resulting from their use. The Archives is interested in learning about any possible copyright restrictions and will gladly remove any image that is in violation.
- Source
- Image of an item from the Spanish and Mexican Land Grant Records, Secretary of State Records.
- Subject
- Land grants - California
- Type
- Still Image
- Item sets
- Diseños Collection