Memo on Tulare County Office Memorandum from G. C. Johns (by K. M. Larmore) to Margaret S. Watkins regarding denial of public assistance
Memo on Tulare County Office Memorandum from Margaret S. Watkins (by Kathryn M. Larmore) to Lois Craig regarding incarceration and denial of public assistance
Memo on Conditions in Tulare County Office Memorandum from Lois Craig to Margaret S. Watkins regarding incarceration
"Evacuation of Japanese" Map of California indicating areas under different stages of the incarceration
Memo on Bulletin 181 Office Memorandum from Margaret Bullard to Margaret S. Watkins regarding changes to program after new bulletin
Correspondence on Report from Santa Cruz County Correspondence from Etha L. Skouden (by Helen I. Clemensen) to Margaret Billings regarding report of individual cases
Weekly Report on Public Assistance Applications Correspondence from Donna Planz to Merle Leedy regarding statistics on applications for aid
Memo on Weekly Activities for District II Office Memorandum from Jeannette Harris to Margaret S. Watkins regarding reporting activity
Memo on Weekly Activities for Santa Clara Office Memorandum from Margaret Billings to Genevieve Murrican regarding interviews with individuals
"Report on Resettlement Assistance" Report on resettlement by county by Bertha S. Underhill
Correspondence on Tule Lake Correspondence from Azile H. Aaron to State Public Assistance Agencies regarding Tule Lake Relocation Center
Correspondence on Assistance Payment Made Correspondence from Charles M. Wollenberg (by Bertha S. Underhill) to Margaret Ann Elwell regarding aid for furniture; Attachment: Cost estimations for furniture requested by resettlers
Correspondence on Assistance Payment Made Correspondence from Charles M. Wollenberg (by Bertha S. Underhill) to Toyoji Inouye regarding public assistance
Correspondence on Medical Care Policy Correspondence from Bertha S. Underhill to Mary LeHane regarding medical care
"Meeting on Return of Japanese" Minutes from meeting of the Pacific Coast Committee on American Principles and Fair Play; Sections: Present Situation, Welfare Group, Legal Questions, Employment, Public Relations, Coordination of Inter-racial programs, Meeting on Agricultural Problems
"Social Security Board, State Agency Agreement for Assistance to Enemy Aliens Affected by Restrictive Governmental Action" Agreement between the Federal government and the State of California to cooperate in providing public assistance to evacuees
Correspondence on Taxation Correspondence from Robert W. Kenny (by H. H. Linney) to Oran W. Palmer regarding taxation of Japanese families during incarceration
Correspondence on Public Assistance Correspondence from Azile H. Aaron to Martha A. Chickering regarding various funding sources for public assistance and eligibility requirements
Correspondence on Food Stamps Correspondence from K. C. May to S. H. Thompson regarding food stamp policy; Attached to Correspondence on Policy Ruling (F3729_66_005)
Correspondence on Policy Ruling Correspondence from K. C. May to Frank A. Hitchcock regarding food stamps; Attachment: Correspondence on Food Stamps (F3729_66_006)
Memo on Food Stamp Policy Office Memorandum from Genevieve Murrican to Margaret S. Watkins regarding food stamp policy
Memo on Mixed Marriages Office Memorandum from Margaret Watkins (by Merle Leedy) to Elizabeth B. MacLatchie regarding policy for mixed marriages
Memo on Allocations Office Memorandum from Elizabeth B. MacLatchie (by Honora Costigan) to Martha A. Chickering regarding use of emergency funds for public assistance
"Relocating Japanese-American Evacuees" "The program of the War Relocation Authority for the relocation of more than 100,000 Japanese aliens and American citizens of Japanese ancestry now being evacuated from Pacific Coast military areas"; Sections: Chronology, Evacuation-A Military Necessity, The Relocation Program, The War Relocation Work Corps
"Map of California" Large map of California indicating the boundaries of Military Areas I & II
"Excerpt from Victory" Excerpt from article entitled "Qualified Residents May leave Japanese Centers to Work" regarding leave from relocation centers; referenced in Unmarked Correspondence (F3729_65_007a)
"Excerpt from Information Digest No. 520" Excerpt from article entitled "Aliens and Citizens of Japanese Ancestry" regarding leave from relocation centers; referenced in Unmarked Correspondence (F3729_65_007a)
Correspondence on Policy Correspondence from Azile H. Aaron to Martha A. Chickering regarding policies adopted by the War Relocation Authority; Attachments: "Excerpt from Information Digest No. 520" (F3729_65_007b), "Excerpt from Victory" (F3729_65_007c)
"Military Areas in California" Map of California indicating the boundaries of the military zones
Memo on Assistance for the Blind Office Memorandum from Perry Sundquist to Elizabeth B. MacLatchie regarding aid to blind Japanese
Correspondence on Weekly Activity Correspondence from Vlad F. Ratay to Richard M. Neustadt regarding weekly report on activities of State Department of Social Welfare
Memo on Manzanar Office Memorandum from Gladys C. Johns (by Kathryn M. Larmore) to Margaret S. Watkins regarding conditions at Manzanar Assembly Center
AA Instructions #3 "Procedures for filing claims against the federal security agency for assistance rendered to dependents of detained or interned enemy aliens"
Memorandum No. X Memorandum from Phoebe H. Bannister to Members of Public Assistance Staff Assigned to Local WCCA Office regarding incarceration of Japanese and non-Japanese couples
Memo on Recommendations for Children in Institutions Memorandum from C. Rollin Zane to Azile H. Aaron regarding recommendations for evacuation of Maryknoll Home, Salvation Army Children's Home, and Japanese Children's Home; Referenced in Correspondence on Recommendations for Children in Institutions (F3729_64_009a)
Correspondence on Recommendations for Children in Institutions Correspondence from C. Rollin Zane to Bess Replogle regarding recommendations for Japanese children in institutions; Attachment: Memo on Recommendations for Children in Institutions(F3729_64_009b)
"Instructions to All Persons of Japanese Ancestry" Instructions for relocation in accordance with Civilian Exclusion Order No. 5 as ordered by John L. DeWitt
Memo on Number of Cases Office Memorandum from Bernice G. Copland to Margaret S. Watkins and Lois Craig regarding report on operations in Los Angeles County
Memo on Policy for Banking and Shipment of Household Goods Informational memo from W. K. Shaughnessy to All Control Station Managers regarding arrangements for banking and shipment of household goods for relocated Japanese
"Memorandum No. IV" Memorandum from Phoebe Bannister to Members of the Public Assistance Staff Assigned to WCCA Local Offices regarding relocation process; Sections: WCCA Functions; Controlled Evacuation; Civil Control Offices
"Social Implications of Mass Evacuation" Unrevised transcript of forum discussion regarding effect of relocation; Speakers: Carey McWilliams, Leonard Corwin, Raymond Booth, John Abrams
Memo on Restrictions Office Memorandum from Lois Craig to Martha A. Chickering, et al. regarding travel
Memo on Children in Institutions Office Memorandum from Elizabeth B. MacLatchie to Martha A. Chickering regarding Japanese children in institutions
Correspondence on Children in Institutions Correspondence from Martha A. Chickering to Richard Neustadt regarding Japanese children in institutions; Attachment: "Recommendations Regarding Institutions Caring for Japanese Children"
"Departmental Bulletin No. 181" Correspondence from Martha A. Chickering to County Boards of Supervisors, County Welfare Departments and County Auditors regarding relocation program, including public assistance, coordination with Federal government, and procedures
Correspondence on Recommendations for Relocation by Young Men's Christian Association Correspondence from Lincoln Kanai to John L. DeWitt regarding recommendations for relocation
Correspondence on County Welfare Departments Correspondence from Martha A. Chickering to Richard M. Neustadt regarding county takeover of relocation program
Correspondence on Coordination with Counties Correspondence from Martha A. Chickering to all Board of Supervisor Chairmen regarding coordination between California counties and Federal government
"Departmental Bulletin No. 168" Correspondence from Martha A. Chickering to County Boards of Supervisors, County Welfare Departments and County Auditors regarding new policies on aid to needy blind and children
"College and Universities and Civilian Defense" Manual for University students relating to defense activities; Chapters: The Role of the University or College in the Program of Civilian Defense, Organization of the On-Campus Program for Civil Defense, Preparing Buildings for Maximum Protection, The Civil Air Patrol